Greetings to all!

Queen's Gambit is a Celtic music group that has been performing as a group since 2003. It's a product of that esoteric hotbed of Irish and Celtic music known as the Renaissance Festival, and has moved into the realm of performing music at Irish Festivals, pubs, private parties, and, of course, Irish music sessions. There are five of us now, with our "original" fiddler, DJ, having rejoined Bruce, Susi, Becky and
Nikki to bring the harmonies of twin fiddles and 5-part vocals to life.

Each year since its beginning in 2004 we've attended the O'Flaherty's Irish Music Retreat in Texas, where we've made the acquaintance of and attended classes taught by the likes of Mickey Dunne, Johnny Doyle, Daithi Sproule, Danny O'Flaherty, Tommy O'Sullivan, James Kelly, Pat Egan, Pat Broaders, and many, many other fine players and singers of Irish Music. From these fine people we've learned a deep respect for the songs and the tunes and for Music itself, and we've witnessed first-hand the magic that it can work.

We've just started recording our 6th CD, which is rumoured to be titled "Castle - Queen's Side". It's expected to be released in early April. It will contain the very first QG original work, written by whistleplayer Nikki, named "Brigid's Lament", as well as a song written by John Keegan Casey (of "Rising of the Moon" fame) that Danny
O'Flaherty put music to, and taught to us, named "Hills of Connemara". The album will have another song that was more recently written by a young lady in Florida, called "Vivat, The Dream", which shall be the first time, to our knowledge, that the song has been recorded.

Thanks to all that have helped us get where we are in music and in the world, and please drop by the website and check our latest antics :)

Queen's Gambit


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